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중앙치매센터 국제자문단

중앙치매센터 국제자문단(International Advisory Committee)은 국제적인 치매관리전략의
동향, 관련 자료확보, 국내 정책분석등의 자문을 통하여 국가치매관리사업의 효과성과 효율성을
제고하기 위해 위촉된 자문위원단입니다. 중앙치매센터의 국제자문단은 치매관리 선진국의
치매분야 전문가 및 정책가들로 구성되어 있습니다.

Henry Brodaty, AO, MB BS, MD, DSc, FRACP, FRANZCP, FAAHMS의 사진

Henry Brodaty, AO, MB BS, MD, DSc,

  • 호주
직함 및 소속
  • Director | Dementia Collaborative Research Centre―Assessment
    and Better Care, University of New South Wales(UNSW)
  • Co-Director | Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing, UNSW
  • Scientia Professor | Ageing and Mental Health, School of Psychiatry, UNSW
  • Senior Clinician | Aged Care Psychiatry, Prince of Wales Hospital
  • Immediate Past-President | International Psychogeriatric Association
  • Psychiatry (including. Psychotherapy)
  • Chair | Clinical Advisory Committee for Montefiore Homes
  • Member | Aged Care Reform Implementation Council 2012-2014
  • Panel | Strategic Review of Health and Medical Research Australia(McKeon Review),
    Department of Health, Australian Government 2011-2013
  • Member | Australian Government Dementia Advisory Group 2008-2013
주요 논문
  • Brodaty H, Arasaratnam C. Meta-analysis of nonpharmacological interventions for neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia. Am J Psychiatry, 2012 Sep;169(9):946-53. First demonstration that family carers were at least as effective as medication in reducing behavioural symptoms in community living patients. [IF = 13.599, cites 43]
  • Brodaty H, et al. Mild Cognitive Impairment in a community sample: The Sydney Memory and Ageing Study. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, epub 27 October 2012. 2013;9(3):310-317 [IF 17.272, cites = 16] Population based study demonstrating much higher prevalence of MCI as well as incidence of MCI and risk factors for MCI.
  • Brodaty H et al Am J Ger Psychiatry 2014;22(12):1427-1437) [IF 3.519] Following publication of LowLF,….Brodaty HTheSydneyMultisiteInterventionofLaughterBossesandElderClowns(SMILE)study:
    Aclusterrandomisedtrialofhumourtherapyinnursinghomes.BMJ Open. 2013 3(1) doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-002072 which was the first RCT of humour therapy for nursing home residents and found significant reduction in agitation (equivalent to antipsychotics without side effects), this study found less depression and better quality of life after adjusting for dose of intervention. >60 NHs are no paying for this intervention across Australia.
  • Geda YE….. Brodaty H et al Neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer's disease: past progress and anticipation of the future Alzheimer's & Dementia 2013:9: 602-608. Sets the scene for future research in this field. I contributed one section of this international consortium [IF 17.272, cites = 32]
  • Hibar DP, Stein JL, Renteria ME, Arias-Vasquez A, …Brodaty H,… the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; The CHARGE Consortium; EPIGEN; IMAGEN; SYS,Martin NG, Wright MJ, Schumann G, Franke B, Thompson PM, Medland SE. Common genetic variants influence human subcortical brain structures. Nature. 2015 Jan 21. doi: 10.1038/nature14101.
  • Winbald B et al. Prevention and cure of Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias: a priority for Europe; Current scientific evidence and future research. THELANCETNEUROLOGY-D-15-00487R1_In press